I remember one evening, as all my siblings were nagging and annoyed at each other, my dad’s booming voice erupted.
“That’s IT! Family council RIGHT NOW! We have to get the devil out of this house!” my dad yelled.
Everyone stopped, stared at each other and proceeded to walk to the family room. We knew my dad was seriously fed up with our fighting to the point he wanted us to gather and pray as a family.
Although this memory may sound extremely strange and a little too “extra,” coming from a religious dad, I’m actually really grateful for it!
It’s taught me two things:
-My dad refuses to have his children fight and be contentious
-Family councils are the means by which communication and solutions are brought about.
I remember, as a 13-year-old, thinking my dad was being so dramatic. “We have to get the devil out of this house!” Was he being for real? We were arguing for a legit reason and he concluded the devil was in the house because people were getting mad.
Although I knew I needed to participate in this family council, I entered the room being annoyed and uninterested.
My dad opened “the council meeting” talking about the reason why we shouldn’t fight in our attempt to argue. He talked about how Satan gets invited into our home when we fight and develop harsh feelings for each other on account of the fighting.
I slowly began to listen. I realized his sincerity and desire for his family to feel united and understood despite differences and contrasting opinions. I felt so much love for my dad in that moment as he spoke and looked at his children.
This week, as I learned of the “counsel method” or "counsel system" for making decisions in families, I realized the love that is expressed when families utilize this method.
As major decisions have to be made, when everyone is considered and validated, it creates unity and appreciation for every individual member.
Even after this “Get the devil out of here!” instance, when my dad would have a family council, I would feel loved and included as part of a society and unity.
I’m grateful my parents taught us that families ARE a unit and that every individual person counts as a member of the group. I’m grateful for the inclusion of the counsel methods as its contributed to my self-esteem in knowing that my opinion matters and that I matter to my family.
I look forward to doing this with my future children. I want them to know that their voice matters in our family, that their opinion is important and that they are part of the Wolf Family Council.