Hi world!
Before you start reading my thoughts and emotions about this sensitive topic of "family," I want you to know who I am and why you're reading this.
I'm a Communication Major, which pretty much means two things: writing and people. Any combination of the two is basically what my entire educational venture has been.
After serving an 18-month service mission for my church, I realized that working with communites, people and organizations is what I wanted to do for a career.
Organizational Communication and Public Relations has been my choice of study for the last three years and it has been wonderful. The culture of this major, the people and the projects have all encompassed who Esther is: outgoing, problem-solving and driven.
So here I've been--learning about communication and PR. How great, right? But what does this have to do with family?
Honestly, I belive it has everything to do with family.
As I consider my childhood, growing-up family dynamic and experiences, I realize that my family is the center of eveything I've become and the reasons why I've become it.
If you consider the magnitude of my statement, then also consider the impact it would have on the world if everyone understood the importance of family and the research behind this unit of society.
I believe it could solve close to every world problem that involves human interaction and relationships.
I grew up in a large family. I was number seven of the eight children my parents had. I was raised by immigrant parents and was the child born after the death of my older sister.
My life was filled with eight different voices from under the same roof. It was a blast growing up in a home where everyone (but my youngest sister) were 6+ years older than me. My siblings were my best friends and the world was my playground.
I look forward to writing about this sensitive subject. Everything I write is simply my opinion. Unless otherwise stated, such as research data or quotes from a professional, all future posts will be my thought and opinion.